Meditate with us

Manjushri Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a place where one can come to learn about Buddhism, practice meditation or simply relax in this peaceful space in the heart of Petaling Jaya. We offer meditation classes and study programs based on Buddha's teachings, to help us work through life’s challenges and find the peace and happiness we seek.

Meditation For Busy People

3-week course: Healing our mind through meditation

Apr 16, 23 & 30: Tues 8pm - 9pm

Join us in this guided meditation class to help you relax and learn ways to help us overcome some of life's challenges. Be guided by Buddha's teachings on how to keep our mind calm & peaceful in the midst of our busy daily lives. This class is suitable for beginners.

学习禅修 Learn to Meditate

4月22日、29日  |   星期一:晚上 8pm - 9.15pm

禅修为生命带来喜悦与真实意义。无需经验, 欢迎大家。

Wesak Day Celebrations

Free Guided Meditation & Prayers

May 22 2pm - 11am - 11.45; Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers 12pm - 1.15pm

Celebrate Wesak Day with us with a free guided meditation, an opportunity to make light, flowers or food offerings and prayers to Buddha Shakyamuni.

[More details soon!]

Foundation Program

Sundays 2.30pm - 4.30pm

Want to deepen your understanding of Buddhism and have a structured and systematic study program? In this Foundation Program, we will be studying the commentary to the Heart Sutra, Buddha's wisdom teachings on emptiness.


Kadampa Prayers

In our centre engage in prayers for different occasions, you are welcome to join us.  Please check our calendar for date and times. Free.


Learn more about Kadampa Buddhism

Here are some resources that can help you know more about meditation & Buddhism and learn about the latest news and developments in the centres around the world.

Read about Buddhism and Meditation from these books written by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Listen to our daily podcast from the senior teachers of our tradition.

Watch videos of teachings from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and other senior teachers.

Breathe, let go and be guided in this relaxation meditation.

Learn more about our study program where we explore deeper into Buddhism and it's practices.

Find out more about our upcoming classes, workshops & events.